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Budgeting Packages

Time to start winning with your money!

Choose your package today!

Bomb Budgeter-$50

Maybe you already enjoy the budgeting content found on my YouTube channel but you want a little more push in the right direction. You are a solid budgeter who is looking for some tips and tricks to stay the course to achieve debt freedom. You are focused and organized and require very little hands-on assistance with budgeting but you are always looking to polish your skills. Let's get you right! Here's what I'm ready to do for you: 

One 15-Minute Session & 1 Budget or Cash Envelope Tutorial. 

Bomb Budgeter

Boss Budgeter-$100

You are relatively new to the budgeting journey. You've read a few books and watched a few videos. You have started budgeting for a few months now and have some questions about how to personalize your budgeting experience for yourself and your family. You are ready to dive in to your actual numbers with someone else, maybe for the 1st time. You have some goals that you would like to accomplish in the next 6-12 months but you need a plan of action. You've ran the numbers but you aren't happy with the end result. Let's change all that. Here's what you can expect: 

Everything in Bomb Budgeter Kit + One 30-Minute Monthly Check-ins, 2 Budget Edits, Bi-Annual Goal Planning, Cash Envelope Tutorial

Boss Budgeter

Busy Budgeter-$300

Budgeting....thats a whole new concept you've never really gotten into before. You don't have a current budgeting system. You don't even monitor your banking or credit score apps. You prefer to look at your numbers as less as possible. It's way too much to handle. Maybe you even feel the burden of negative bank balances, inconsistent income, past due bills, unpaid student loans or credit card payments. But now you're having a change of heart. You're tired of working for your money and not seeing your money work for you. You...are...READY for change... I got you. Let's get started right away. This is my "Hands-Off Package". Here's what you can expect: 

Everything in the Boss package + Two 30-Minute Monthly Check-ins, 4 Budget Edits, Custom Monthly Budget, Quarterly Goal Planning Sessions


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Busy Budgeter

BudgeTuber Course-$25


Grow your channel to monetization with these actionable steps


  • Unlimited lifetime access to all videos in this course

  • Digital BudgeTuber Workbook (sent via e-mail w/in 24 hrs of purchase) 

  • Two live group Zoom calls with Rochelle and other "Tubers"

  • Access to our private Facebook group

  • One YouTube channel review

  • Topics include: Niche Research, Recording & Setup, Sound, Music, Lighting, Intro to iMovie & Canva, Intro to SEO Optimization, YouTube Studio & YouTube Analytics & more...




Virtual Assistant 

Let’s talk virtually assisting you to scale your business while our team takes care of the social media, calendar, email management & bookkeeping. 

Perfect for the client with a new or seasoned business looking to reconcile their business finances & streamline their services while growing their social media. 

This meeting will showcase our skills and can be done via Zoom, FaceTime, direct message, email, phone or text. 


Image by Christina @
LifeStyle Financial Coaching
BudgeTuber Crash Course

BudgeTuber Crash Course

Watch Now


  • Q: What if I have more questions before I decide to subscribe to your services?

    A: Feel free to contact us via email:


  • Q: How long am I subscribed to your services?

    A: We recommend a full 3-month use of our services so that you can reap the full benefits of our programs.


  • Q: Are there any discounts for paying annually?

    A: Yes! Please contact us via email BEFORE purchasing:


  • Q: What makes your services different from others?

    A: We deliver plenty of options to get you on the road to debt freedom, whether it be use of our online, “in-person” virtual sessions, pre-recorded content, live Q&A sessions or digital products. Feel free to contact us if you would like more information about any of our services that we offer.

  • Q: What if I need to stop services?

    A: No problem! Feel free to cancel at any time at no additional charge. Depending on when you decide to cancel, you may be required to pay for the current billing cycle so please check your most recent billing so you can be sure. We look forward to welcoming you back one day soon! 


  • What if I have ideas that could help the budgeting community?

    A: Great! Email us: or reach out to us using any of our social media handles listed below. 


  • Q: Do you require access to my private information, such as banking or investment account logins?

    A: No! As long as you are able to answer some information prior to our sessions, we do not need to access your private information. If you do choose to give us access to your personal information, please know that is stored safely for use with your permission only, never shared, and deleted permanently once services come to a close.

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Get Started Today!

You can schedule regular sessions or periodic check-ins depending upon your needs. You will have plenty of opportunities to get your personal finance questions answered.  Leading you to discover new ways of thinking about your money and your life.

Contact Us


Stay caught up on my latest videos here: income budgeting, debt payoff & net worth tracking, savings motivation, cash stuffing, grocery hauls and more! 


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